
Martix sahnasi Neoni uyg'otadi Vbs: 4 qadam
Martix sahnasi Neoni uyg'otadi Vbs: 4 qadam

Video: Martix sahnasi Neoni uyg'otadi Vbs: 4 qadam

Video: Martix sahnasi Neoni uyg'otadi Vbs: 4 qadam
Video: Shootout in the lobby | The Matrix [Open Matte] 2024, Iyul
Martix sahnasi Neoni uyg'otadi … Vbs
Martix sahnasi Neoni uyg'otadi … Vbs

Salom, bu dasturlash yo'riqnomasi va men sizga kodni beraman, shunda siz matritsaning boshida neoning kompyuterini buzib tashlagan va kompyuter aytadi: neo uyg'on …

1 -qadam: 1 -qadam: Birinchi Vbs

1 -qadam: Birinchi so'zlar
1 -qadam: Birinchi so'zlar

bloknotni oching va bu to'rtta fayllardan biri, aks holda u ishlamaydi.

ushbu kodni kiriting:

ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") ni o'rnating "cmd" wscript.sleep 3000 ghost.sendkeys "w" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "k" wscript. Uylash 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "u" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "p" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "n" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys ". wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 5000 Dim objShell ObjShell = Wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") ni o'rnating

objShell. Run "2.vbs" ni ishga tushiring

'Set -dan foydalanish majburiydir objShell = WScript. Quit -dan hech narsa yo'q

va bu faylni matrix.vbs saqlang

2 -qadam: 2 -qadam: Ikkinchi fayl

Endi yangi bloknotni oching va bu faylni 2.vbs deb nomlang, chunki siz uni kerakli nom bilan chaqirsangiz, u ishlamaydi.

Endi bu kodni notepadning ikkinchi faylidan nusxa ko'chiring va joylashtiring.

ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") ni o'rnating "cmd" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.uyqu 500 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "m" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 500 sharpa uyqu 500 ghost.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "x" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "s" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "y" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "u" wscript.sleep 40 arvoh.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 40 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 40 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 5000 ObjShell = Wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") ni o'rnating

objShell. Run "3.vbs" ni ishga tushiring

'Set -dan foydalanish majburiydir objShell = WScript. Quit -dan hech narsa yo'q

3 -qadam: 3 -qadam: Uchinchi Vbs

boshqa bloknot faylini oching va bu faylni 3.vbs deb nomlang.

ushbu kodni faylga qo'ying.

ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") ni o'rnating "cmd" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "f" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "l" wscript. Uylash 100 ghost.sendkeys "l" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "w" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript. uxlab yotgan 100 ta arvoh.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ruhlar. arvoh.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "b" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "b" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 100 sharpa arvoh.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 5000 ObjShell = Wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") ni o'rnating

objShell. Run "4.vbs" ni ishga tushiring

'Set -dan foydalanish majburiydir objShell = WScript. Quit -dan hech narsa yo'q

4 -qadam: 4 -qadam: Oxirgi Vbs fayli

Endi siz oxirgi faylni yaratasiz va uni 4.vbs deb ataysiz.

faylga ushbu kodni kiriting.

ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") ni o'rnating "cmd" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "knock knock neo…" WScript. Quit

fayllar ish stolida bo'lishi kerak, chunki bunday qilmasangiz ishlamaydi
